Covid-19 Protocol
COVID-19 Preparedness Plan for Memoir Tattoo, LLC
Memoir Tattoo is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace for our artists and clients. To ensure that we have a safe and healthy workplace, we have developed the following COVID-19 Preparedness Plan in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. All artists and staff are responsible for implementing this plan. Our goal is to mitigate the potential for transmission of COVID-19 in our workplace and community. This requires full cooperation among our staff, artists, and our clients. Only through this cooperative effort can we establish and maintain the safety and health of all persons in our workplaces.
Management, staff, and artists are responsible for implementing and complying with all aspects of this COVID-19 Preparedness Plan. Memoir Tattoo artists and staff have our full support in enforcing the provisions of this policy and we encourage our artists and staff to ask questions, raise safety and health concerns, and offer suggestions related to this plan and its implementation.
Our artists and staff are our most important asset. We are serious about safety and health and keeping our artists and staff working at Memoir Tattoo. Worker involvement is essential in implementing and developing a successful COVID-19 Preparedness Plan. We have involved our workers in this process by having multiple meetings and open dialog via text and email in effort of addressing our collective concerns. We have taken all suggestions and concerns and discussed them and have put them into this plan. Our COVID-19 Preparedness Plan follows State of CaliforniaIndustry Guidance for for our business, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Guidelines, Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards related to safety and health precautions required in response to COVID-19 and applicable executive orders. The plan addresses the following:
1. Policies and procedures that assist in the identification of sick workers and ensure sick workers stay home;
Implementation of engineering and administrative controls for social distancing;
Worker hygiene and source controls;
Workplace building and ventilation protocols;
Workplace cleaning and disinfecting protocols;
Drop-off, pick up, and delivery practices and protocols;
What clients can do to minimize transmission;
Additional protections and protocols for receiving and exchanging
payment;Additional protections and protocols for managing occupancy;
Additional protections and protocols to limit face-to-face interactions;
Additional protection and protocols for distancing and barriers.
Communications, training, and supervision practices and protocols;
1. Policies and procedures that assist in the identification of sick workers and ensure sick workers stay home
Workers have been informed of and encouraged to self-monitor for signs and symptoms of COVID-19. The following policies and procedures are being implemented to assess workers’ health statutes prior to entering the workplace and for workers to report when they are sick or experiencing symptoms. Upon entry of the studio, all artists will sign in and have their temperature taken via a non-contact thermometer. They will also sign our VISITOR AND STAFF HEALTH SCREENING CHECKLIST. If a worker feels sick or is experiencing symptoms while at home, they are required to inform the studio by calling and letting management know of the situation. If a worker begins to feel ill while in the studio, they will be sent home immediately. They are not to finish their work with their client. Their client will then be rescheduled.
Memoir Tattoo has implemented leave policies that promote workers staying home when they are sick, when house members are sick, or when they are required to isolate or quarantine themselves or a member of their household. There is no penalty for staff to call in or cancel appointments under these circumstances.
Memoir Tattoo has also implemented a policy for informing workers if they have been exposed to a person with COVID-19 at the studio, and requiring them to quarantine for the required amount of time. If a worker has come in contact, they are to self quarantine and will not be allowed in the studio for 14 days. In addition, all information regarding the workers health status and health information will be kept private.
Upon entry to the studio, after they complete VISITOR AND STAFF HEALTH SCREENING CHECKLIST they will be directed to the artists station and must remain there until directed otherwise by the artist or staff.
2. Worker hygiene and source controls
Worker hygiene and source controls are being implemented at our studio at all times.
A. Upon entry to the studio, artists and staff will fill out the
The time of their arrival and their temperature will be taken and the information will be noted.
B. Artists and staff are required to wear a facemask at all times
while in the studio.
C. Upon entry in the studio, all workers must wash hands and
D. Staff will wash hands and/or sanitize in between clients, before, during and after. This will also include before and after the use of common items such as the computer, printer, scissors, etc.
E. The studio will post “hand-washing” signs.
F. Community water-fountain in the main room should only be used by Artists and staff using clean gloves. If a client wants/needs water, the artist will use new gloves to accommodate them. Use the provided disposable cups only.
H. Food will not be shared communally.
3. Workplace building and ventilation protocols
Reopening the studio includes necessary sanitation, assessment, and maintenance of building systems including water, plumbing, electrical, HVAC systems.
A. The studio has purchased an Austin Air HealthMate Standard Air Purifier to help protect against indoor air pollutants. This device will be running 24-7.
The studio will increase the outdoor air-percentage to increase dilution of contaminants, and eliminate recirculating, whenever possible, while maintaining indoor air-conditions.
The studio will replace and upgrade air filters prior to re-occupancy.
We will have the artists and staff opening all windows upon entry and close all windows at the end of the day.
The studio will minimize air-flow from blowing across people. The use
of fans will not be permitted.
4. Workplace cleaning and disinfecting protocols
Regular housekeeping practices are being implemented, including routine sanitizing of the studio, the artist stations, and frequent sanitizing of high- touch areas. Workers have been instructed that personal equipment and tools should not be shared and, if shared, should be disinfected between users.
A. All common area items must be cleaned and sanitized on a regular basis. Door handles, entry / alarm keypads, Ipads / computers, stencil machines, and scissors must be disinfected after each use. Frequently sanitize all high-touch items, such as doorknobs, countertops, barriers, railings, handles, and other surfaces.
Portfolios will not be left out. All portfolios can be viewed online or social media pages.
If a client needs the use of a pen, it will be brand new and they are to either keep the pen, or it will be tossed out immediately after use.
All stations are to be kept clean in between clients.
Artists are responsible for maintaining a clean work station
throughout the tattoo process. All surfaces in the tattoo station that were used must be wiped down with Opticide. The artist's garbage must be taken out in between clients, as well.In the event that a client or worker becomes ill, there will be an immediate cleaning and disinfecting of the studio and the artist station.
The workers will review product labels and Safety Data Sheets, follow manufacturer specifications, and use required personal protective equipment for the product, if advised.
5. What clients can do to minimize transmission
A. Bring in only necessary items that are needed during the procedure.
B. As always, we highly recommend eating a meal before the tattoo procedure outside of the studio, before the appointment. If a client needs to eat a snack, they can take a break at their seat, the artist can step away. Hands must be washed after the fact, and any food trash should go in the artists trash bin. All drinks must have a top that can be removed and replaced. For example, no cans of beverage.
C. Upon arrival, clients must wash and sanitize their hands.
D. Clients must have a face mask on to enter the building. If theirs is in poor condition, or they are in need of one, a facemask will be provided for them. They must wear a facemask at all times within the studio.
E. The studio will post signage and develop messaging that if clients or customers do not feel well or have any symptoms compatible with COVID-19, they should stay home. They should also stay home if they have a household member experiencing symptoms compatible
with COVID-19.
F. If clients begin to feel unwell while in the studio, they should leave
immediately and isolate themselves at home.
G. The studio will ask clients to review a screening survey that checks
for COVID-19 symptoms, close contacts with confirmed cases and quarantined cases, and recent out of continent travel. The questions would be the same as those completed by the staff and artists.
We will encourage clients to regularly wash and/or sanitize their hands.
We will limit the equipment, products, or items touched by the client while in the studio. Excess merchandise inventory will be stored in the office.
8. Additional protections and protocols for receiving and exchanging payment
A. Whenever possible, payment exchanges are to be done using a contactless method. This may include PayPal, Venmo, ApplePay, or any other digital form.
B. In the event of a physical exchange, the person collecting payment will place the payment in its proper place, and wash hands after contact with cash.
C. After handling any cash, or other physical form of payment, be it the staff, artists, or management, they are to wash their hands immediately.
9. Additional protections and protocols for managing occupancy
A. The studio will encourage clients of “high risk” to consider postponing from the service. Persons who may be at higher risk for severe illness should consider delaying seeking or providing these services.
B. The studio will advise clients of the added COVID-19 precautions that will be taken prior to arrival at the site. We will use our website, social media, pre-appointment phone calls and confirmations, and other outlets to educate clients on the steps being taken for their protection and the protection of workers.
C. The studio will post signage at the business entrance outlining established protocols.
D. The studio will decline to provide services to a customer or client if there is any suspicion that they are sick or symptomatic, and advise them to leave the facility.
E. The studio will collect the client’s first and last name, telephone number, temperature, artists information and temperature, and record appointment date and time when providing a service. This is to ensure that the client can be contacted in the event a potential exposure is subsequently identified.
F. The artists will schedule enough time between appointments to clean and sanitize, and minimize clients waiting.
G. The studio will post instructions for clients at entrances, and inform clients:
➤ Not to enter if they are experiencing symptoms;
➤ About the facility’s occupancy limits;
➤ They are required to wear face-coverings whenever possible; and ➤ They are required to adhere to hygiene and social distancing instructions, signage and markings.
10. Additional protection and protocols for distancing and barriers
Hand sanitizer will be provided at the studio entrance, point of purchase, restroom entrance, and other prominent locations for workers and clients. All artist stations will have access to a sanitizer dispenser, which is to be clearly marked.
11. protocols
Communications, training, and supervision practices and
A. All staff and artists are required to receive certification in COVID-19 training. This can be done at or https://
B. Workers must ensure they comply with and follow established rules and practices.
C. Communication to educate clients and customers about the steps being taken for their protection to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 is encouraged. Protective measures should be communicated to clients prior to, and at the start of, the appointment or reservation to both educate clients as well as inform them of their role in protecting the workers and other clients.
D. The COVID-19 Preparedness Plan was communicated to all staff and artists in physical form on ??/2020 and necessary training was provided. In the event that some areas of this plan need to be changed, the staff, artist, and management will be informed via written copy. As a backup, this information will be sent via email or text, as well. All workers are to monitor how effective the program has been implemented by bringing it to the attention of the management staff. This can be done via email, text, or written documentation. The artists and staff are to work through this new program together and update the training as necessary. This COVID-19 Preparedness Plan has been certified by Memoir Tattoo, LLC and was posted throughout the studio on 6/10/2020.
Certified by: Kim Saigh and Shawn Barber
SIGNATURE TITLE: Owners DATE: 11/01/2021
Once you enter the building, your artist or a staff member will have you fill out this form
Have you had any of the following symptoms since your last day at work or the last time you were here that you cannot attribute to another health condition?
Please circle Yes or No to each question. Do you have:
Yes No Fever(100.4 ° F or higher), or feeling feverish? Chills?
Yes No A new cough?
Yes No Shortness of breath?
Yes No Any cold syptoms?
Yes No A new sore throat?
Yes No New muscle aches?
Yes No New headache?
Yes No New loss of smell or taste?
Name________________________________ Date/Time______/______ Recorded Temperature________________
Address(if client) _____________________________________________ Phone # and Email____________________________________________ Signature____________________________________________________
We ask that if a client feels any symptoms within a couple of weeks after their appointment, that they notify their artist, or if they test positive for Covid-19. Likewise, the artist will notify any and all clients if they feel any symptoms, test positive for Covid-19, or if there are any potential cases linked to our shop.